24X7 Helpline :+91-542 222 0 111
The Surya Clinic, Varanasi HelpLine : 0542-2360880, 9795457708
Surya Super Speciality Hospital, Varanasi HelpLine : 0542-2220770-71, 8573029518
For Emergency Call: +91-542 222 0 111
#An end to end fully functional hospital management system that includes over 7 modules and covers all areas on...
#An end to end fully functional hospital management system that includes over 7 modules and covers all areas on ...
Super Specialist Consultation, I.C.U.(Intensive Care Unit) with ventilator of Maquet, Defibrillator of Phillips,...
Surya Infertility and IVF Unit- A unit of G.V. Meditech Ltd. is the pioneer infertility and IVF (Test Tube Baby) ...
An end to end fully functional hospital management system that includes over 7 modules and covers all areas on ...
The newly formed oncology unit aims to provide high quality care to patients with Cancer. Cancer Care Services ...
# An end to end fully functional hospital management system that includes over 7 modules and covers all areas on ...
A special Trauma O.T. equipped with C-Arm & C-Arm Table, Fully Equipped I.C.U. with Ventilator, Private A.C ...
A Specialty oncology and dialysis unit with in patient facility. It is centrally located and has a general ward ...
Specialist and Super Specialist Consultations, NICU with phototherapy unit.
The Radiology department at Surya Super Speciality Hospital offers a wide range of doagnostic services, focused ...
Specialist and Super Specialist Consultations, Infertility Treatment and Assisted Reproductive Technologies ...
We are regularly treating patients with High Fevers, complicated cases of Malaria, Dengue etc. We have Specialist...
The division of General Surgery deals with a range of surgical ailments and emergencies. In addition to treating ...
Our Department of Ear, Nose & Throat offers comprehensive services under one roof. The Department is equipped...
The Department of Orthopaedics at Surya Super Speciality Hospital, Varanasi provides expert treatment for all ...
Specialised management of common spine and limb sprains, strains and injuries. Management includes manual therapy,...
Specialist and Super Specialist Consultations, Plastic Surgery and all types of Laproscopic surgeries.
The newly formed oncology unit aims to provide high quality care to patients with Cancer. Cancer Care Services...
Surya Super Speciality Hospital is aims at providing world class facilities not only to the people of Varanasi but also to the adjoining rural/semi-urban region. The centre is equipped with advance medical equipments and specialist consultants providing consultation in the fields of Cardiology, Paediatrics, Neurosciences, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Oncology, Orthopaedics, etc.
The Surya Clinic is recognized as one of the best medical clinics in Varanasi. It has a proud history of serving people in and around Varanasi for over 10 years including International patients who come from Europe and Asia and United States of America. It offers a complete range of world-class healthcare services including specialist consultations, diagnostics, preventive health checks, dental clinic, In-vitro Fertilization (IVF) and Surya pharma ...
Surya Trauma Centere offers Super specialists Comprehensive Diagnostic Services, Modernized Operation Theatre, Cardiac Cath Lab, A special Trauma O.T. equipped with C-Arm & C-Arm Table, Fully Equipped I.C.U. with Ventilator, Private A.C Deluxe Room, Semi-Private A.C. Bed, Physiotherapy center, Dialysis Unit etc
Surya Infertility and IVF Unit- A unit of G.V. Meditech Ltd. is the pioneer infertility and IVF (Test Tube Baby) centre in the eastern Uttar Pradesh.It was the first IVF Clinic in this region and is still the most successful unit.The large and efficient team of doctors, scientists...
Surya Healthcare has started this project with an objective to bring good quality healthcare at affordable prices to the villages covered by their e- Choupal network. Providing access to villagers at an affordable cost close to their home is the biggest challenge. This even force ...
Surya Healthcare Group is aims at providing world class facilities not only to the people of Varanasi but also to the adjoining rural/semi-urban region. The centre is equipped with advance medical equipments and specialist consultants providing consultation in the fields of Cardiology, Paediatrics, Neurosciences, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Oncology, Orthopaedics, etc.
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